I'm Feeling Blue

Last year, around this time I posted about the green color trend I was seeing in both fashion and interiors. I ended up hitting the nail on the head as I basically predicted the color of the year. Gosh that felt good. You know, being such a genius (toot toot <-----that's the sound of my own horn :) ). I decided I could use a confidence boost like that at least once a year so I'm going to make this trend prediction thing a tradition.

Back in the olden days I was always shopping....not necessarily buying, but always in and out of shops, just browsing around. Since the engagement/house buying/house remodeling/marriage/work and more house remodeling, I haven't had a lot of time to shop. Sad I know... But Saturday I had a little time to myself so I headed out to research shop.

As I be-bopped from store to store (this is how a girl shops when she's alone and not being drug encouraged to hurry through one store to the next), I noticed the emerald green hue still had a strong presence on the racks. It didn't take long to figure out this year was not going to be AS obvious as last year. However, the more I looked around I realized another color was popping up a lot too.

The color: Dark Sea Blue. I stole this name from Tory Burch, but it fits the color perfectly.

Tory Burch. 
To me, this color is a blue with a lot of depth and life. Much lighter than a navy but with the same regal presence. It's almost a teal, but not quite. It's a happy color, but a moody one. 

The above photo is an outfit from Marc Jacob's and shows this deep sea blue color-blocked with navy.

On Sunday Brent and I headed to Scott's Antique show. This show comes to town once a month and is always full of all kinds of goodies. But this trip my mind was on validation regarding my color thoughts....and I hadn't been in the door 10 minutes when I saw these.....

This fabric is a bit lighter than the "Deep Sea Blue" above, but you get the idea. A deep blue almost teal color. This fabric fits the bill. 

And then I saw these......

And it was like WHAM BAM, I might be on to something. I was seeing this color at every turn. 

With my color chosen I went in search of some rooms that were incorporating this look....

 House Beautiful. 
This color is used several times in this room. The walls are a glossy version of the deep blue while the fabric on the chair and the lampshade against the wall are sporting this hue as well. The color looks great with the rich dark floors.

Dark Blue/Teal cabinets..that's a bold choice. The color marries well with the white, stainless steel and the wooden beam, but painting all of your cabinets this color is a big commitment. 

I love this. I really love dark painted walls, and I'm especially digging the color. Often times people are fearful of painting a room in a dark color, because they think it will make the room look too small and cave like, but when paired with lighter furnishings it can make for a dramatic, happy space. I also love, love, love when pieces of furniture/cabinets are the same color as the wall. It adds texture and depth to the space in a way that makes you look twice. 

So, there you have it....Deep Sea Blue. It's debut on the fashion/interiors scene hasn't been as obvious or strong as the emerald green color last year, but I think it has promise. It seems like a color that would work well popped in here and there or as the dramatic center of attention. It's elegant and fun and just screams Fall/Winter. 


JLo's on board....what do you all think? Would you wear/decorate with this color? 

Unless otherwise noted all photos are my own.