If You Give a Blogger a Diamond Ring...

She  goes on a blogging hiatus.
I know, I know it's been a hot minute since I last blogged, but I have a good excuse.....

 I got engaged on September 7th! 

The proposal came as a huge shock, my now fiance, Brent surprised me with the sweetest proposal in Highlands, NC on our five year anniversary. After the initial proposal we went back to his family's mountain house where I was further shocked to find both of our families there to celebrate! It was awesome and I couldn't be happier. But, since the moment the words, "yes, yes, yes" (while bouncing up and down, ugh they even caught this on camera) came out of my mouth my world has been ROCKED! Engagements require a lot of attention. Everyone wants to see the ring, offer congratulations and find out alllll the details not only on the proposal but on the date, the dress, the colors, you know all the decisions we haven't had a chance to make. It's been a whirlwind, a fun and exciting whirlwind, but a whirlwind nonetheless.
Amidst all of this engagement fun I have a lot going on at work too. We have SO many fun projects going on right now and a lot of them will have blogs attached. I have a post in the works right now that will  showcase a recently completed laundry/mudroom project. Plus, my Chattanooga project installs TODAY, so I'm hoping to post some shots of that one too.
We are hoping for a Spring wedding, so until then....my brain will consist of: wedding planning, kitchens, baths, blogging, laundry rooms, designing house of my own, wedding planning, mudrooms, powder rooms and a little more wedding planning.....sounds like fun on the brain to me!

Here we are in Highlands!
Look, I've already made it into a wedding magazine....

Photo - Instagram
This little treasure was courtesy of Holly Hill Floyd. She knows how much I love being in magazines ;)

As far as the wedding goes I've decided I'm going to treat it like a kitchen remodel, one decision at a time. Piece of cake ;)

Unless otherwise noted all photos are from Lori Foster.