Shed Update

Graciouuuuusss! I am SO behind on blogging. Life has been crazy and we have been chugging along on projects so it has been hard to find free time, but I have a lot to share, so let's jump right into it.

The Shed. 

You know you are getting old when having a whole day or weekend (gasp!) to dedicate to shed building gets you excited, BUT, alas here we are. Between the weather and family activities, the shed kind of got put on the back-burner for a few weeks. Luckily we found ourselves with some good dedicated time to dig in so we did just that. Last we talked the posts had been set in concrete and the floor joists had been installed. Next up, Brent laid a piece of plywood over the floor joists and ran his electrical up through the floor in two spots. We had coordinated to have power pulled to this location of the yard when we were doing the pool, so Brent pulled the electrical first at the back of the shed for outlets that would be installed on the back wall and then again at the front of the shed so a switch could be run to operate the lights on the front wall. Speaking of walls....those were next!

The first wall the guys tackled was the back wall. The plan was to build it, install the siding and get it painted before it was installed.

The shed is only about a foot from the fence, which is why this sequence of events was our best bet; if we had waited until it was installed it would have been really hard to paint as the ladder wouldn't fit behind the fence...

Once that wall was up, the side walls followed. The front wall was the trickiest because it had the door. Brent ended up constructing it in the garage and then some of our neighbors were super gracious and helped him carry it over to the shed. It was HEAVY and not something Croix and I felt we could be super helpful with :)

Once all the walls were up, it was time to install the siding on the rest of the shed.

Next, Brent trimmed everything out with 1x4's which really started to give it a more finished look.

For the roof we originally planned on installing shingles similar to those on our house, but somewhere a long the way I started thinking it would be cool if the roof was metal. Just something different for this structure since it wasn't actually attached to the house. On one of Brent's many trips to Home Depot he came across this corrugated plastic roofing material and brought home a piece for us to consider. It has the look of metal, but will hold up a lot better and won't be too loud when it rains (even though I think that's about the best sound in the world).

The cute factor went up about a million points with the addition of the roof. The scalloped edge detail hanging off the front is just so good looking and we were and are super happy with our choice here.

Last, we worked on the doors.  Once the doors were cut, we played around with specifics on the ground before Brent got everything nailed into place.

The cross pieces had to be really considered here because those pieces would be what the hinges mounted on. After a lot of playing around with spacing, we got it all figured out and set the doors in place.

Now.....this would seem like the appropriate time to start painting, but it was about now that we decided to get chickens and add a coop to the side of the shed. Yep, you read that right, but you will have to wait until next week to see how that unfolded. For now, I will leave you with this shot of the finished shed, painted and all.

Paint color: Kendall Charcoal by Benjamin Moore.

All photos are my own.