Slide + Final Selections - Croix's Big Boy Room

It is officially crunch time over here at the Shearer Household. We are less than 8 weeks away from my due date and we currently have like 10 projects in limbo. We are working hard to get as many as possible buttoned up and the one at the tip top of that list is Croix's big boy room!

Last we talked (back in August...sigh!!) the bunks had been DIY'ed and since then we have dabbled up there, sanding, painting, getting the mattresses installed, the bed linens on and the lights hooked up. We even settled on a stain color for the rail. There has been progress, but it has been sporadic.
Over the past few weeks we have been trying to nail down the finishing pieces for things like lighting, the rug, furniture, art, curtains and the closet. We've pulled the trigger on several items and actually feel like we have traction again. One very exciting detail that was added was a slide. This was a vision of Brent's from the beginning and we finally ordered one and got it installed last weekend.
The slide fits perfectly against the remaining part of the wall and literally catapults him right outside the bathroom. Talk about convenience! If you watch my instastories you may remember we found a slide in someones front yard, out for trash and seriously considered taking it home. Actually, we tried. It was to big to fit into my car, but once home Brent found this slide, ordered it and BOOM, the coolest room ever was born. Well, as far as a 2 year old is concerned anyways!

As you can see we purchased the rug and finally pulled the trigger on the light fixtures ( 2 of them come this week),  I'm trying to narrow down drapes and THIS TUESDAY Croix's custom closet is getting installed (whole post on that coming soon)! So...yeah, we are getting so close and really hope to have him moved in and settled soon! Fingers crossed I can be decisive and just finish this space because I'm pretty sure it's frowned upon for toddlers and newborns to share a bed....

All photos are my own.