About.com - December Recap

Well hello January. Hi 2016! Sorry it has been a minute since I posted, but things have been pretty busy around here. Two days after Christmas, Baby Shearer made HIS big debut (introductory post coming soon!) so needless to say our world as we knew it has been turned completely upside down. Who knew a 7lb 10oz little person could have such an affect? ;) It has taken a second to figure out our new routine, but I'm slowly but surely trying to find my new normal, and I thought a little recap on my December About.com articles was a good place to start.

I really like the two-toned kitchen cabinet concept. It's fresh and happy and makes a statement without being too radical or in your face. 

2. Put a Wreath On It

Just talking here about how a simple wreath (or 3) can add instant holiday cheer in and around your kitchen. This article might be a little late seeing as how most of us already have our holiday decor packed up and back in the attic ,but if this concept is one you want to incorporate into your home in the coming years, go out and get a great deal on some wreaths at the after Christmas sales still going on now. 

3. Chalkboard Integration in the Kitchen

I LOVE the idea of a chalkboard in the kitchen. Remember the little chalkboard project Brent and I did to our pantry door at our old house? After we finally got it figured out we really enjoyed having the chalkboard in our space.

There was so much pretty on Pinterest over the holidays I decided to dedicate an entire post to pretty pictures and cool ideas to incorporate into your kitchen or your home around the holidays. Again, I know this is a little late here on December 13th, but maybe stash a few of these thoughts away in your memory bank for next season.

And last but not least, my updated articles are below. 
I hope 2016 is treating you well so far!  

1. Plants: A Cheap & Easy Way to Add Pizazz to Your Kitchen
2. Red, White & Blue in the Kitchen
3. Making a Place for Pets in Your Kitchen
4. Highs & Lows of Dish Storage
5. Lucite in the Kitchen