It's Christmas Time in the City

I think it's safe to say that after my weekend in New York City I am officially in the Christmas spirit. In fact, I'm not sure how a person could not be in the holiday spirit, if you are in or around NYC this time of year. This was my third time in the city but my first time during the holiday season.

The trip was kind of completely spontaneous. My fiance's job required him to spend some time in NYC at the end of last week so we decided to go all YOLO (You Only Live Once)  and take advantage of the opportunity for a weekend in the city.  Even better - my best friend and her husband, who live in New Hampshire, were relatively easy to coerce into taking the train and joining us.

We had several holiday themed sites on our to-do list, but the first stop had to be THE tree. You know the one...

Rockefeller Center.
But, the tree wasn't the only oversized holiday accessory we found over the weekend.

We saw giant Christmas ornaments...

Massive Christmas lights......

and some humongous nutcrackers... shout out to you Mom (she loves these things)!

From the high end department stores to the street vendors, everyone had their own holiday flare out on display. 

Bergdorf Goodman.

Street Vendor. 
There's just something about the complete abundance and scale of the decor that makes you feel like a kid again. It was a great weekend full of festive sights and good times. The only downer to our time in NYC was the outcome of the SEC Championship game, but we will save that sad tale for another blog. Just writing this blog makes me want to make some hot cocoa and watch Christmas Vacation - Cheers!

All photos are my own. For more photos from my weekend adventures follow me on Instagram