Merry Christmas, xoxo - The Shearers

Happy Christmas Eve's Eve's Eve! This has truly been one of the most magical Christmas seasons I can remember and it all got kicked off in mid-November with a visit to Santa. 

Croix was not a fan of Santa last year, but this year, he was all about it. 

We booked our session with

Sara D. Harper Photography

and could not be happier with the photos. A festive atmosphere while we waited (hot cocoa, treats, holiday music), a pretty backdrop, a beautiful/authentic Santa and the best part.....natural light. Haha - just kidding, the best part was of course the happiest, most curious and slightly timid Croix Boy, who as you can see  really hammed it up with good ol' Saint Nick. 

It was hard to narrow down just one photo for our Christmas card, 

Family has already started to trickle into town, the house is all decorated, cooking has started and our shopping/wrapping are all done. Can't wait to take the next few days to soak it all in and remember the reason for the season with so many of the people we love. 

From our family to yours......Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Friends!!

Xoxo, The Shearers

All photos are

Sara D. Harper Photography.