Kevo = Keys No More

Happy Wednesday! It's a snow day here for us in Atlanta, our second one this winter, which is pretty unusual and exciting for us southerners.

Tonight's post is a riveting one all about our new door lock. I'd say it's a fair assessment to assume you are officially getting old when upgrading your door lock is a blog worthy event! Ha!  But last year we installed a Kevo Smart Lock and WE LOVE IT!!

Kevo is a digital door lock that operates off blue tooth. No keys, no codes. Just easy-peasy access. Brent knew of Kevo and suggested we install one for our new

Bell Cabinetry & Design showroom

last summer. Our entire design team needed access to the space and we felt this was the best avenue to give unrestricted access to those that would need it without making a dozen + keys and then having to change the locks should one of the keys get lost. The set-up worked so well that Brent and I opted to add Kevo to our house when we upgraded our garage

entry door

last fall. 

The perks of this thing were even more apparent on the home front. As the administrator you can see who and when the door is locked or unlocked right on your phone. If you are anything like us, as we are pulling out of the neighborhood one of us usually questions the other on if we locked the door. Even if you are SURE you did, you become instantly less sure when questioned. Well, now we can open the app and clearly see if the door is locked or unlocked.

Another highlight is the ability to issue temporary keys. The housekeeper, a babysitter or even a friend who might be staying for the weekend can all be issued a key for a set amount of time. No more leaving a key under the mat. And finally it all comes down to convenience. Between the push start car and this Kevo lock I literally never have to take my keys out of my purse. Any Mom can attest that carrying a kid, a purse, a work bag and a diaper bag into the house at the same time whilst trying to finagle your keys out of your purse and into the door lock is no easy feat. Now Croix can run ahead of me and simply tap the link and POOF the door is unlocked.

We got the Kevo 2 which retails for around $230. We went with the Satin Nickel finish for the showroom and the bronze finish for our house so it would blend in with the door hardware throughout the rest of our space. It's a small thing, sure, but the busier life gets the more I appreciate any and all conveinances I can create around me.

All photos are my own.