Patio Project - Part 4

I'm back with a big ol' update on our Patio Project. July has been a busy month for us, so we haven't had a lot of full weekends to dedicate to the beast that is this little DIY of ours, instead we have worked on it here and there, which somehow turned into some pretty big progress.  

::::INSERT 10,000 HIGH FIVES:::::

Let's dig in...

With the tops in place we were ready to finish up the cabinetry. We had used cedar wood for our last outdoor kitchen and we were happy with the way it held up to the elements, so we decided to go that route again. As for the stain we wanted to go with a warm brown tone this time around so we settled on Varathane's Early American

I stained all of the planks and Brent focused on cutting them to fit and then installing them on the face of the framing. 

 While Brent was busy measuring, cutting and installing the planks I finished up painting that dang fence. The two-toned, half brown, half taupe scenario was literally hurting my eyes. 

Once the planking on the grill wall was complete, it was time to add our doors. If you followed along with our last outdoor kitchen, you know we made the one door in that kitchen ourselves. Like the rest of the kitchen that door was made of cedar wood. We liked the look, but over time that door had issues staying square within the hole. In general wood is not the best option when it comes to the outdoors. Cedar and Cypress are the best woods to use if you go the wood route, but even they will swell, crack and ultimately fail over time. So, this time we decided to go with metal doors. We found these doors on Amazon and are really happy with the fit and aesthetic.

We picked out the doors way back when we were working on the framing, so Brent was able to plan the framing accordingly. Once the planking was up we unboxed the doors and put them in place. 

Next, we got started installing brick on the face of the fireplace. We started with the opening...

And then layered on the pavers piece by piece along the entire front. 

Once the brick was all up we let the mortar dry for a week and then I went to town painting the brick. 

With the fireplace front painted Brent could install the planking on the wings to the left and right of the brick. He also framed in and planked the opening on the far right which will hold the firewood. 

And with that I think we can say the outdoor kitchen   portion of this patio project is COMPLETE! Next up...lights and the pizza oven.. Eeek! 

All photos are my own.