New Stair Runner + Grandma's Art

As most of you know Brent and I live in a little bungalow built in 1944 that has charm coming out the ying-yang. HOWEVER, there are some features that were added during a renovation in the early 2000's by previous owners that are simply not our style, and one of those features was the stair runner.

It's not that it was completely horrible, the colors and vibe just didn't really go with our decor. With every new element we added to the house, the rug became more and more random and out of place. The idea of replacing the runner had been in my mind from the beginning, but other, more pressing projects kept us from really focusing on it. Of course that all changed as the days ticked closer and closer to the Junior League Tour of Kitchens. Like I said a few weeks ago, this tour, while focused primarily on the kitchen, pretty much involved the majority of the first floor, so getting this runner fixed up was a must. 

For about .4343 seconds we considered DIY'ing a new runner, but then we came to our senses and did what anyone drowning in half done projects would do and Googled: Stair Runners Atlanta. The first thing that popped up was "The Carpet Lady." I read some reviews, sent her an email and she was at my house the next day with swatches and an estimate. We knew we wanted something neutral and durable and landed pretty quickly on a pretty sisal. She took measurements, I paid a deposit and she ordered the carpet. Literally less than two weeks later her crew was out to remove the existing runner and get the new one up and running. Ha, no pun intended. Ok, never mind it was totally intended. 

The one element I did always love about the existing stairs was the gold stair rods. So, we had the guys put them back on atop the new sisal runner.

So. Much. Better.

I love how the sisal adds a quiet texture to the space without being too busy. However, once everything was installed, the stairwell quickly felt very beige/white. I instantly thought of a giant piece of art from my Grandma's house. I'd had this piece for a while now, but could never figure out where to hang it. As soon as we held it up against the wall, I knew it was perfect!

This ocean picture hung over the couch in her living room for as long as I can remember. I knew her living room well, as many a days of my childhood were spent in that room practicing piano, playing with my sister and cousins and opening Christmas gifts around the holidays. I always loved the colors of the ocean against that gold frame. This piece is big and beautiful and fit perfectly on the wall of the stairwell. I know it's not the most conventional place to hang a piece of art, but I love how grand it feels and how happy it makes not only the stairwell, but me when I walk past it every day. My Grandma was so special to me and I'm so glad that pieces from her home, where so many of my childhood memories took place, can integrate so seamlessly into our decor. I like to be reminded of her as much as possible and now each and every time I walk down the stairs I am.

All photos are my own.