Putting Lipstick on a Cow



Doesn't she look lovely?  As you can see, the blog got a little face lift of it's own. A little nip here and a little tuck there and voila, a new look was born! The content of the blog will stay the same but I've been wanting to revamp the look of the blog for sometime. Thanks to Shari of Little Blue Deer this was a super fun and easy process. Shout out to Sherry of DesignIndulgence for sharing Little Blue Deer with me through her blog. So many great Sherry/Shari's in the world, so little time :)

Working with Little Blue Deer was easy. Making decisions about the look of my beloved Cow was a process, but a fun one! The look of a blog is such a reflection of the writer and I thought it was time my blog looked a little more like me. Don't get me wrong, I loved the old look of my page, but with this blog's 2nd birthday fast approaching I thought it was time for a little make-over. Once I pulled the trigger on the look, it's been like waiting for Christmas morning to see her up and live...  And here she is... Finally! I'm so happy with the results.

On another note, would you believe this post marks my 93rd post since starting this blog back in 2011? We have talked about a lot over these 93 posts. Well, actually I've talked on and on and on and you all have been great readers. I think it's time for you all to get a chance to speak up. So, in the spirit of trying something new and to celebrate my upcoming 100th post I thought it would be fun to let you all ask me anything.

This is your opportunity to ask me whatever you'd like, whether it be specific questions about a blog post or just something you've been curious about.  A lot of you ask me questions on facebook, twitter, in person or in comments, but this is an opportunity for everyone to get the answers. Obviously this is more fun the more questions I get, so here's how this is going to go.

Think of your question and either:
  • Post it to this blog post down below in the comments. If you don't want me to know who you are asking the question then just post as "anonymous". 
  • Email me the questions at thecowspotblog@gmail.com
  • Ask your question on Facebook or Twitter. 
Then, for the 100th post, which should be sometime in November, I will answer as many questions as I can.

Sounds pretty fun, huh? Yeah, I thought so too.

So, off you go, think of some good questions and submit them. Meanwhile I'll be sitting here petting my computer screen, obsessing over the new look of the blog. Totally normal......