730 Days and 94 posts later.....

.....and The Cow Spot Blog is 2 years old!
 Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy 2nd Birthday to The Cow Spot, Happy Birthday to you!

Photo from google. 
It's hard to believe two years ago today I hit publish on my very first blog post. Never did I imagine it would become such a favorite past time of mine. But I guess that's life right? You never know what big thing is right around the corner, destined to be in your life for the long haul.

A lot has happened in the last year and The Cow Spot has been there every step of the way. From buying a house, to getting married, to countless projects centered around the new house and elsewhere, to being selected as one of the NKBA's first ever 30 Under 30 and being a part of the Luxury Living Show, this has been a busy/awesome/great year!  And of course we can't forget the fabulous makeover the Cow Spot recently received! So, to celebrate the ol' Cow's big day I thought it would be fun to do a little recap like we did last year to learn a little more about you, the readers. Who are you? What are you favorite posts? Where are you from?

Let's dig in:
As I mentioned there have been 94 posts on The Cow Spot (excluding today's post) and of those 94 posts these are the top 5 most popular:
  1. Three Shades of White
     2. Mirror Mirror on the Wall

     3. Hardware - Cabinet Jewelry

     4. Outdoor Kitchen Finale

     5. Outdoor Kitchen Part 2

Mirror Mirror on the Wall and Hardware - Cabinet jewelry are reigning top 5 popular posts as they were on the list last year as well. But  #4 and #5 - Outdoor Kitchen Finale and Outdoor Kitchen Part 2 are the post's that are most exciting as, they are from August of this year, just two months ago. Meaning in just two months these two posts have received enough views to catapult them to the top #5 list. Outdoor Kitchen = rock star status!

Who are you, my favorite readers?

The Cow Spot is read on the regular all over the world! From right here in the USA all the way to China.

 Below are the top 5 countries tuning into the blog weekly: 

1. United States

2. Canada

3. United Kingdom

4. Russia

5. Germany

I'm always working on blog posts, either literally on the computer or figuratively in my mind as I run, drive, shower and eat. I've even been known to work on posts on my phone on car trips. I'm a multi-tasking machine, always thinking, plotting and planning. Interestingly you too are great multi-taskers as many of you utilize your phones and iPad's to read weekly posts. The number one most used operating system is of course, Windows but iPad is second, followed by Mac and iPhone.

There's no doubt about it,  year 2 has been full of some big life moments and fun projects, but one thing has remained exactly the same - YOU, the readers, are the spot to my Cow and I'm so glad you have  been along for the ride. Thanks for joining me each week, The Cow Spot wouldn't be the same without you! 

Here's to year 3! Cheers!

All charts via Blogger.