The Designery

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Introducing a Resolution

Yes, I do realize we are 24 days into the new year and New Year resolutions are SO 3 weeks ago, but I've been deciding if I even want to set any. To be honest, I don't really buy into the whole new years "thing." I never remember to eat the black eyed peas or cabbage to make me rich. I'm annoyed by the blast of newcomers at the gym walking on my treadmill while I have to wait to run. And I kinda think we should all just set obtainable goals for ourselves daily and work with that. But, since January is the month of the resolutions I've decided to set a goal for The Cow Spot.

The Cow Spot's goal for this year is to post more completed projects. I do a lot of projects of all shapes and sizes. All of the projects I work on go through a design process, a finish selection, a tear out or build and then an installation. I've been thinking a lot about it lately and I think a lot of the projects I do will relate to most in one way or another.  I posted about some of my projects last year, but there were so many I didn't mention at all. My goal this year is to take before photos and then go back once jobs are complete and take some after shots. I want to keep you all in the know and let you see what I'm up to. I plan to name each job and reference it with a hash tag. That way whether you read about the happenings of the job on the blog, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram you will know what job I'm referring to.

So, let's start my resolution today - I have several exciting jobs in process right now, here are some sneak peeks of two of them:

These are some of the "before" shots of a kitchen that was demoed last Tuesday. We are going to call this project #StoneMountain.


This space is getting a full overhaul. While the layout will remain the same (or close to it) the functionality and aesthetics of this space will be changing dramatically. We spent a lot of time working with the cabinetry layout to optimize the storage and work space.  This project has really taken off - in a little over one weeks time SO much progress has been made. The demo is complete, there is paint on the walls and trim and flooring goes in on Monday. Cabinetry will be installed in a few weeks and with every layer of material installed this space is looking more and more beautiful.

 Below are some of the "before" shots of a kitchen that was demoed last Thursday. We are going to call this project #Northcliff.

This space was completely re-designed. The homeowners and I spent a lot of time working through the details and internal components of each and every cabinet. This kitchen is going to have a great level of symmetry and depth. We should be installing these cabinets next week - I'm itching to see the space completed.

I think a lot of you can relate to the above "before" pictures in one way or another. Whether it's the stained cabinetry, the desks or the layouts themselves, these kitchens were in need of a face lift. I'm really excited about both of these projects - I can already see the completed spaces in my head and can not wait until they become a reality!

All photos are courtesy of my clients.