At Home with Tory Burch

Tory Burch is no stranger to Vogue magazine, but this month I was BEYOND excited to find, not only Tory Burch, but Tory's HOUSE featured in the March issue on stands now.  

This is Tory in her dining room. Look at those fabulous walls - A Paris based wallpaper designer created custom panels based on Persian Iznik tiles.

I am a true lover of fashion and interiors, so it's not surprising that I found this article fascinating to say the least.  As I've mentioned before, I believe the similarities between fashion and interiors are many. I believe that our homes and our personal style are the canvases in our life we have the opportunity to define. Coco Chanel said, " An interior is the natural projection of the soul;" isn't that such a true statement? If you think about it, you can really tell a lot about  a person by spending time inside their home. So many characteristics including personality, temperament and style are recognizable through how one chooses to live in their private, inner world.

So, with that being said, what a cool opportunity to see how an admired fashion designer chooses to design, furnish and decorate their home. Not sure how familiar you all are with Tory Burch and her fashion designs, but "knowing her"(I wish!) as I flipped through the magazine to her feature, I was half expecting to see bright orange front doors with shiny gold trim. Turns out, I could not of been more off...

The house was built in 1929 and is located in South Hampton. The magazine states, "Not wanting it to look shiny and new, Burch trawled the auction houses and local estate sales for antique furnishings, which she mixed with pieces from her Long Island and Pennsylvania houses and well-loved treasures from her parents. Burch worked with two old friends to blend these elements harmoniously."

This is a shot of the main hallway. Isn't it so clean, crisp and elegant? I'm loving the black and white flooring which, to me, is a little bit of the retro Tory coming out.

This is my favorite room - it's elegant and fun at the same time. I love how she successfully mixed funky elements such as the white lamps, flanking bright colored bird statues and tangerine tango - ish curtains with traditional style furniture and a mixture of traditional and contemporary art work. She inter-twines several different fabric patterns in this room, from solids to birds to florals.  With the walls being very neutral she lets all of the decorative elements bring the room to life, and lets the paneling and moulding serve as architectural anchors to the space.  This is definitely an eclectic look, but it works.

This is the Solarium (fancy room for sun room). 
I'm really loving the color scheme of this space. Very neutral with pops of blues and greens. I especially love the choice of wallpaper over paint in this room. It's hard to believe wallpaper is coming back, but like all things - if done right it can really work. And here, it works.

The article touches on the fact that Tory Burch is a mother to three sons, twin boys age 14 and an 11 year old son. She said, "I wanted to embrace the house's grandeur but make it much more casual and relaxed and a little offbeat...and nothing off limits for my kids." I think a lot of us can relate to this, you never want your house to be like a museum. You want people, especially those living in the house to feel comfortable and "at home" no matter if the home is big or small, or in this case, gigantic.

I really like the fact that Tory didn't just go out and buy brand new items just because she could. In fact , her architect suggested she "camp out" for  the first summer to establish how she wanted to live in the space. She took her time and collected pieces as she came upon them; mixing the new with the old, the traditional with the antique and modernized elements. This type of decorating, to me, makes for a much more interesting final product with depth and usually some good stories attached.

All photos are from google search.