The Designery

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6 Months of Lot

Today my Lot Thomas is 6 months old. 

This kid, ya'll....he's just so good. Like honest to God the best baby. He is so laid back and go with the flow. Wakes up happy, only really fusses if he's hungry or gets overtired (he likes a schedule!) and is so patient with the sometimes overwhelming "love" from his big brother. Speaking of big bro Croix....

 He has loved Lot every minute since he met him and can make him laugh like no one else.

People warned us that going from 1 to 2 kids would be such an adjustment and a lot more work, but honestly life as a family of 4 has been awesome. Lot fit right into our life and now at only 6 months in we can't imagine life without him.  He's the kind of baby that could make you want 10 more. Just saying.....:)

All photos are my own.