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All I Want for Christmas is... a New Toothbrush

A few weeks ago Smile Brilliant sent me an electric toothbrush to try out and boy did it come at a good time. You see,  I've used an electric toothbrush for awhile now, but about a year ago I left the stick at a hotel on one of my travels. I had big plans to purchase a new one, but those things are pricey, so much to Brent's dismay he and I shared a stick, not the toothbrush head, I'm not a total savage, but the stick. I was forever "in trouble" for not putting the stick back on Brent's side after using it, griping at him when he took the stick with him on his travels, leaving me to brush my teeth by holding the tiny wasn't pretty. Sharing is caring, but apparently that does NOT apply to toothbrush sticks.

So, as you can imagine when Smile Brilliant reached out, both Brent and I were all about me trying out this electric toothbrush!

The toothbrush is a the cariPRO Electric Toothbrush  and the game plan was for me to try it out for 2 weeks and then report back on my thoughts. As soon as it came in the mail I got her all charged up and I've been using it twice a day, every day since.
Photo from Smile Brilliant Website.

As a person that has used an electric toothbrush before I was interested to see how this one could possibly be "special enough" to dedicate a whole blog post to; I mean how different can a toothbrush be? Well, I'm happy to report  this one has quite a few praises I'm happy to sing.

First up....the  brush modes...  all 5 of them! 
Each and every time you brush your teeth you can choose between the following modes:
  1. Clean
  2. Whiten
  3. Massage
  4. Gum Care
  5. Sensitive
It's cool because the modes are designed to function for 2 minutes around the 4 sections of your mouth (top left, top right, bottom, left and bottom right). After 30 seconds the brush vibrates letting you know to move it to a different section of the mouth. In general the main pro to using an electric toothbrush as opposed to a standard one is the fact that you are less likely to wear down your enamel by brushing too hard, but this tooth brush takes it to the next level by ensuring all of your teeth get equal attention. This is definitely not a feature any other electric toothbrush I've ever used has had and truly do find myself utilizing the various settings, especially the "Clean" and "Whiten".

The Battery Life is another feature I've been really impressed with. There is nothing I hate more than  phone/computer updates, empty gas tanks or dead batteries, I mean who has time for any of that!? Well, this toothbrush is different, it's very low maintenance and holds it's charge for so long! According to the manual, once charged for a full 24 hours, the toothbrush stays charged for 30 pre-timed brush cycles!! Per the instructions I let my toothbrush live on it's stand when not in use, so I've never run into wanting to use it but not being able to because it's dead. For someone who craves efficiency, this is HUGE to me. 

The price is another pro for this product. If you've ever shopped electric toothbrushes you know they can be quite the investment. Not only are the toothbrush systems themselves expensive but the toothbrush heads can be pricey as well. Well, this toothbrush is different, for all that it offers in terms of features it is extremely affordable as are the accessories that come with it. If you go to the site and shop the packages you will see that their prices are at least 50% less than other options on the market.  Plus, they back up their product with a 60 day guarantee where they will do a complete refund if you are not 100% satisfied. All of that in addition to the fact that they offer free shipping make this about as close to a no-brainer as it gets if you re in the market for a new toothbrush. 

After spending a few weeks with my cariPro, I'm overall a fan, but in the name of being truly transparent and real I do want to  speak to the fact that If there had to be a con I would say it would be the look. Don't get me wrong, it's a good looking tooth brush, but there are prettier versions on the market - matte black, gold, etc. HOWEVER, for me personally, I care less about aesthetics and more about dental care, so this is not a deal breaker for me. I'm very thankful to have this toothbrush and would definitely recommend it!

Before any of you go and purchase your own I'm excited to say I get to give one away!! To enter the giveaway follow this link and enter! And if you are not the lucky winner, fear not I have a 20% discount code for all of you!  thecowspot20

Unless otherwise noted all photos are my own.