The Designery

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Cabinet Hardware - GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

How about a fun giveaway to kick-start the Holiday Season! 

This is totally spontaneous and was inspired by an email I got this morning from a past client. Her son recently purchased a new home and she wants to gift him the gift of HARDWARE for Christmas. How cool is that? I thought it was genius and it got me to thinking that I bet a bunch of you guys would like a similar gift under the tree for you as well! 

So, just call me Santa Courtney because I'm here to deliver, and I want to do it early in case you want to do a quick spruce up of your kitchen, bath, piece of furniture, etc before your guests arrive for the holidays! So, here are the details. 

Giveaway is for $50 AND a little free advice from me to help you pick out the perfect pieces for your desired space! To enter:

1. Head over to Instagram and be sure you are following me @_CourtneyShearer
2. Leave a comment letting know where you would put the hardware if you won.
           3. Tag a friend who might want to win too!  

Each comment counts as an entry and every person you tag that starts following me counts as TWO entries. Winner will be selected tomorrow at 8pm, so you can take advantage of any Cyber Monday sales the sites may have to accompany your $50! Good Luck and Ho Ho Ho!

All photos are my own.