The Designery

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My Dad

 Whoa, 2 posts in 1 did you get so lucky ;)

With the new showroom opening, I feel like I have come out of a fog and I have lots to say. On my mind tonight...Father's Day. We have had a very family-centered last few days as my sister and brother-in-law welcomed their first child, Gates, into the world! The birth of my first nephew got me thinking about names, sentimental meanings, family and my own little one, Croix. It always makes me smile when I think about how Croix shares his middle name, Glenn with my Dad, Kendall Glenn.

I got the chance to spend a lot of one-on-one time with my Dad over the past few days as we waited and waited and waited for baby Gates to arrive. During this time I was reminded how awesome he is and why we wanted to name our first son after him. I knew my whole life he was great. He has the kind of temperament and quiet wisdom that draws people to him. Dry wit, relatable, weird in the best way and down-to-earth realness are just some of the qualities we hope Croix gets from his Papa K. I think back on my own life and all of the people who played a part in making me who I am today. Sometimes it makes me weirdly excited at the great foundation Croix has (and doesn't even know it) just based on the family he was born into.

We won't be spending Father's Day together this year, so that will give my Dad a few weeks to forgive me for bragging on his awesomeness for all the world to see. :) Love you Dad!

All photos are my own.