The Designery

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The Project of a Lifetime

Brent and I are excited to tell you all a little about our most recent DIY project. Like all of our projects this DIY was a joint effort and will definitely make our house feel more like a home.

WHOA I know....a BABY! We are having a baby. Holy cow, I just wrote that. 

This is actually not extremely new news to us as I'm 14 weeks pregnant at this point, but now that our family, friends and all of you know, things are starting to feel a lot more REAL. As fun as it has been to have this little secret brewing for all of these months, we are SO excited to finally be able to share our news!

This whole experience feels surreal, terrifying and thrilling all at the same time. Needless to say we are both so excited about this little person who will be joining our life this December. Merry Christmas to us indeed!