The Designery

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Spotted - Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles Magazine July 2014

Well, speak of the devil. Just last week I was filling you in on the behind the scenes details of the herringbone hood from the Luxury Living Show and now that same kitchen is featured in the July issue of Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles!

Photo from Atlanta Homes & Lifestyle's website.
It's always a bit of a "pinch me moment" to see a space you've worked so hard on grace the pages of a magazine. This project in particular was so fun and really allowed me to flex my creativity muscles. I beamed a little when I first saw the pictures of the kitchen all glossy and pretty in the spread.

Photo from Atlanta Homes & Lifestyle's website.
This week marks my 6th year as Kitchen & Bath Designer! Six years seems impossible, it feels as if it was only yesterday that I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to complete my final designs for graduation. I guess time flies when you're having fun! The last six years have been a sweet mixture of challenging and rewarding experiences and projects like this one have made the journey that much sweeter.

Be sure to pick up a copy of the magazine, on stands now!