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Madame Vice President

Last night I officially became an officer of the NKBA (National Kitchen & Bath Association) Georgia Chapter.

Here I am with my giant hand being sworn in at the induction ceremony. 

My position is Vice President of Academic Relations. Essentially I will serve as the primary liaison between the Chapter and the endorsed educational programs located within the Chapter boundaries. I'm pretty pumped about this opportunity and this specific position. You see, I came from an accredited program at The University of Georgia and literally owe a lot to NKBA, and fate, and ambition, and luck, but for the purposes of this post, to NKBA.

As I've talked about before I opted to take an optional Kitchen & Bath class in college. Taking this class led me to KBIS (Kitchen & Bath Industry Show) 2008 where I met my future first employer. Six weeks after graduation I was hired and officially became a Kitchen & Bath Designer. Since then, it has been through networking I have done within NKBA that I've had the opportunity to change companies, serve on a committee, enter a design contest (and win!) and now serve on this board.

I believe in the power of networking. I believe that accredited schools will offer a curriculum that will produce future designers equipped with the fundamentals necessary to succeed. I love what I do, but I didn't get here by blindly sending out my resume. I want to tell my story and help others. I want the Georgia Chapter of NKBA to be the best that it can be and what's better than a freshly plucked student full of enthusiasm and creativity? Watch out students, here I come!

A big thanks to Holly Hill Floyd for snapping this photo.