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5 Tips for Growing Your Fiddle Leaf Fig + a GIVEAWAY!

Back in January I posted a photo of my living room over on Instagram and got a lot of questions about my fiddle leaf fig tree, so I did a few Instastories talking about the steps I take for caring for and growing my trees.

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I thought I'd list them on here too for anyone who missed the instastories and is interested. Now, let me give a little disclaimer here. My thumb has definitely gotten greener over the years but I blame that on dumb luck, some good advice and a house with really good natural light. I'm no expert, this is just what has worked for me!

1. Place your fiddle leaf fig near a window that gets good sun.

This is #1 for a reason because your little tree won't live to appreciate the rest of these tips if you don't find the perfect sunny spot for them to sit. If I ever see a green fiddle feaf sitting in a corner, I know it's fake because these plants will quickly start to die if they don't feel the sun on their leaves.

2. Water the plant once a week on the same day.

I really believe plants are like people in that they like routine and consistency. Overwatering a fiddle leaf fig can be as devastating, if not more so than under watering. A few years ago I picked Sunday as my watering day and try to water all of my plants on this day. This keeps me from second guessing and keeps the plants fed, but not drowned. 

3. Don't move the plant.

These plants are true divas and do not like to be moved. Once you find a spot for yours to sit where it thrives and seems happy, don't move it. 

4. But do Twirl the plant.

Like all plants the fiddle leaf fig tends to lean towards the sun, so every few months I twirl my tree so each side gets an equal amount of exposure. This keeps the tree from getting misshapen or leaning too far to one side. 

5. If your plant does get a brown spot or you inherit one that already has brown spots, cut them off. 

I adopted three fiddle leaf figs last year. One sits at my house and two sit at the Bell Cabinetry & Design Showroom. When I got them, they were in bad shape and their leaves were riddled with brown spots.  I ended up cutting off the brown areas, not the whole leaves, just the brown spots and while the leaves did look a little weird, the trees started getting healthier!

Now for the fun part - I want to give one of YOU a fiddle leaf fig tree for your house! That's right...I'm giving away a baby....

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A baby fiddle leaf fig tree that is! Plants make me so happy and I love having them scattered around my house, so whether you have a home filled with plants or this would be your first, I'm excited to be giving away one of these green pretties today!

To enter to win follow these steps:

  1. Follow me on Instagram: _courtneyshearer

  2. Leave me a comment letting me know where you would put a fiddle leaf fig tree in your house.

  3. If you tag a friend it's a bonus entry.

I will pick a winner Sunday night!

I plan to purchase the tree online here, so if you don't win - just know these trees don't have to be super expensive. You can Amazon Prime one to your doorstep or pick up one of the small ones from Home Depot (I got all of mine from there!), I saw them the other day for $19.99. Next, use the tips above to grow your little fig into a tree taller than you! Good Luck!

All photos are my own.