The Designery

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So This Just Happened...

So, I have some big news to fill you guys in on...
On Friday we officially sold our first home. 
You know the one....

Crazy, right!?  Lord knows we loved that house and poured our hearts, sweat, tears and imagination into every square inch, but on August 30th a new plan unveiled itself to us and we had to jump. In a nutshell, another house in our neighborhood that we had long admired went up for sale and we decided to pop into the open house on a whim. Well, one thing led to another and by the end of that week we were under contract on the new house with the contingency of selling ours.

A "Coming Soon" sign went up in our yard and before the house officially went on the market it was under contract.


It's hard to believe how fast this whole thing has gone down. While all of the paperwork, inspections, appraisals, etc...were happening between the two houses we kind of went along, living our lives business as usual. You know, working full time, being pregnant, all that fun stuff. Then, last Sunday we got busy packing, wrapping and getting everything organized for the big move. For such a small little house we sure managed to acquire some stuff, so thankfully Brent's Mom, Cindy, was in town to help us get everything done. I've learned one is not nearly as useful and or productive whilst donning a major gut (me and my baby bump).

The plan was to close on both houses on Friday, meaning we had to be out of house #1 by 10:00 a.m. Friday morning. Thus all of our moving happened on Thursday. It was crazy fast paced and we spent all day Friday, Saturday and some of today getting unpacked and organized. My family came by yesterday and everyone pitched in to empty as many boxes as possible and things are really starting to feel relatively calm around here.

Speaking of "here" the new house is in the same neighborhood, only 10 houses down from our first house! It is the perfect spot for us to really settle in and raise a family and we are still pinching ourselves that it's ours! I can't wait to give you the formal tour, but for now h ere is our obligatory, WE JUST BOUGHT A HOUSE PICTURE for our Second Home:

All photos are my own.