The Designery

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Our House in the Philippines

Greetings from Boracay, Philippines!

Brent and I left the states on Tuesday morning and 23 hours and two stops later landed in Manilla, Philippines. We got to our hotel around 10:00 p.m on Wednesday and left early the next morning for our flight/boat to the island of Boracay. Needless to say it has been a whirlwind last few days, but since we finally arrived in Boracay we have been able to explore, eat, relax and indulge in the super cheap massages on the beach. We got two yesterday!

We are traveling with our friends Jackie and Matt. They met up with us in Manilla where they had been for a few days on business. Jackie is the Director of International Sales for the fabulous shoe company - oka.B. You all may remember we had that fun oka.B photoshoot at our house last year? Well, much to my surprise and excitement Jackie spotted our house in advertisements around Manilla at some of the retailers she visited.  She snapped some pics for me on her phone. 

Remember this shot with the beautiful Meredith on our deck with her umbrella?

Or this shot of Meredith in our closet??

Pretty cool, right? A little piece of home right here in the Philippines!